Sunday, November 16, 2008

R - E - S - P - E - C - T

I woke up with a thought this morning. Actually, I wake up with a thought every morning. But today's thought wasn't my usual "I wonder how long I can lay here before having to go to the bathroom."

This morning I was thinking about respect. So here is my question...

Would you rather be respected or liked? That is assuming you had to choose. And why do you think that?

I was ready for a lengthy discourse on the difference between the two, but as I sat down to write this post the answer(s) came to me.

So, my friends... this is a a short post. Now raise your hands and cheer like a 9th grader that found out he won't have homework for the weekend. (the sad thing is that someone will)
(that sadder thing is that I think I know who) :-)

I will let you chew on that that for a while. I'll post my answer later. I want to see if anyone thinks along the same lines as I do.

See ya soon!

Be well

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