Monday, September 20, 2010

Just for you, babe... Happy (what would have been) six months

Yeah, it was 6 months ago today that she & I met. I started to fall in love almost right away.
What a day it was, too! I wouldn't trade it for anything. Such promise was laid out before us... such potential.

But I didn't see the whole picture. I mean, who ever does when your heart is all a-flutter?
The other side of that coin is there was also promise and potential for difficulty and pain as well. I didn't see that part. I was just too blown away by this incredible woman that was interested in me! Tremendous excitement!! I loved every minute of it.

It might seem like I'm dwelling. Maybe I am.... but truthfully, I'm not having as hard a time today as I thought I would. I was anticipating worse. I must admit having to struggle with myself today.... fighting against the urge to call her... or email her just to say,

"Happy what would have been six months anniversary, baby!"

But I didn't. I was hoping that maybe she would remember what today is and call me. Or at least text me. Do you think she remembers today? I'd like to think so. But then again... I really can't figure anything on this woman.

Many people would laugh or at least chuckle at my monologue. How silly it must appear that a 42 year old guy going about about a 3 month relationship. "Move on, dude." Yeah maybe... but I choose to commemorate. And I will again when it has been a year because that relationship was THAT significant to me. Even if I meet a magnificent woman tomorrow and fall in love all over again, I will still remember her and acknowledge what she meant to me.... even if it was only 3 months. So I say to you that may ostracize me.... I will always honor those that made me better, whether through pain or through bliss. Nod your head and say "Aye!" if you agree.

Besides, its not that simple to just forget that day anyway. The universe... or God... or Allah... or Jehovah..... or the Great Spirit...... or whoever.... made it a point today to make sure that I didn't forget.

Oh yeah! Something really really weird happened today.... and of all days it was today.... on the 6 month anniversary. I couldn't have scripted this any better. If someone had told me this happened to them I would be reluctant to believe them.... but sometimes stuff like this happens to me.
So you wanna know what happened, do ya...?? This will help explain why it was such a struggle for me NOT to call her.

Let me explain a little piece of our history to set the scene....

Without going into any great detail, I'll hit the point in a hurry.

On our first date... March 20, 2010, the Vernal Equinox, no less... you know... 1st day of Spring... new life springing forth and all that jazz... yeah, new love for me too... but I digress....
On that day we met for coffee at 11:00AM at a local coffee shop. We hit it off and get carried away in conversation. 4 hours later.... yes... 4 hours later neither of us wants the date to end so we agree to take a short break to tend to our dogs at home and then meet in about an hour at the movie theater.
Upon my arriving at the theater I discovered that I had a flat. How embarrassing! But at least I wasn't picking her up. So we watched the movie, Avatar. After that she pulled her car around to my truck and aired up my flat tire for me. That's right... she did. She had one of those emergency compressors that will also jump your battery if needed. Handy thing to have. I offered to do it but she insisted that I just let her. Ok, then... so she aired up my tire enough for me to get to a store to buy one of those cans that airs up your tire long enough to get the flat fixed.
After a late dinner and an 11 and a half hour date we said good night. The next day I took my truck in and had the flat mended.

Ok, great story, huh!? Yeah... here's the weird part....

I got a flat today.

Yup... 6 months later... to the day, mind you, I got a flat. Who would ever imagine that? So how in the hell can I NOT think about that day 6 months ago!? It sure makes a compelling argument for those that believe in fate... or providence.... or divine intervention... or whatever. Don't you think? Crazy!

And yet, I refrained from calling, emailing, or texting her. But I sure wanted to. Even if I did and I told her what happened, I doubt she'd believe it. I doubt I'd believe it!

Well, folks.... that's my story for today. I'm a little sad that I let something so magical go. But it wasn't all me. But I'm surprised that I'm doing as well as I am. So no, I'm not dwelling, my friends... certainly not wallowing. Just commemorating!

Have a great Tuesday, all!
Be well.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ah, 7 miles today... in the rain!

Yes, we have rain... lots of it.
I always love the rain. I love rainy weather, especially on the weekend. One of my favorite things is to hang out on the couch with my girlfriend and lazily listen to the pattering of the rain on the roof. Oh wait... can't do that now... Too bad, I guess. Just one of the things I miss about being in a relationship. Its ok, though.... there will be another.... some day.

I had a great time yesterday hanging out with my friends playing board games. It ended up being an all day affair. If you enjoy playing board games with friends, raise your hand and say "I wanna play!" Now look around to make sure no one saw you :-)

The rain has been (almost) unrelenting today. It was slow enough this morning for me to go run.
I took Friday and Saturday off from running. This was the first time since I started running regularly that I took 2 consecutive days off. In an effort to make up for some of that I ran 7 miles today. The rain was light when I started. There was a brief period where it picked up considerably, but then it let up again. All in all I ran for about an hour and 10 minutes. But it was good.

Earlier this afternoon I took Talbot (one of my dogs in case you forgot) to the groomers for his appointment. The rain was heavy at the time and my street was literally covered with a sheet of water about 2 inches deep. So I made my way to Petsmart with Talbot. I had no trouble getting him in the truck. Getting him out was another story. As I was driving I suddenly got a small shower of rain inside my truck. I thought I left a window open, but Talbot decided it was a good time to shake the excess water off his coat. I never thought I'd need my umbrella inside the truck! hehe. As we arrived, after some creative maneuvering through the flooded parking lot at Moore Plaza, we learned that the store was closing on account of the access roads flooding. Great! But there is good news.... They rescheduled Talbot for next Sunday with a 15% discount on the grooming. Now that's customer service! Maybe it will flood again next week and they will reschedule again for another 15%! Yeah, wishful thinking. :-)

But its all good. The 15% will save me about 10 bucks. Nice!

So now I am home-bound. I have plenty to keep me busy. I brought school work... (yuck) but it needs to get done. I have a full week lined up for the kids and I need to have everything ready.
I would much rather have someone to hang out and relax with. Maybe someone that can rub my sore calves and hammies. Maybe next time.

Well, then... time to get my kitchen cleaned up.. get ready to make some chili for later. And with the laundry in the dryer I can get some school work done.

Until next time.... be well. Stay dry. And if you do happen to get wet... have fun with it!