...last night! Wow.
For some mysterious cosmic reason, my head coach cut pratice short yesterday. As a result we got out early enough for me to zip down to Ocean Drive and watch the moonrise from Swatner Park. I arrived just in time to see the crimson colored orb crown over the horizon. What a sight! It was especially cool because the horizon was the water! Nice!
I'll get back to the moon in a while.
I stuck around for about 20 minutes before heading home to spend some time with my mom before she went back to NC. We played a round of rummy and she finally let me win one! She had been kicking my butt since she arrived. :-)
She was pretty well packed and ready to go by the time I got home. So I reheated some leftovers and put some things away before sitting down to play cards. It was an early night for the both of us, esp. since she was leaving so early n the morning. She didn't have a set time. She just wanted to get an early start.
And she did. I woke up around 5:20 this morning to the sounds of my mother tinkering in the kitchen. By 6:00 she was out the door.
So there I was, trying to get back to sleep. I couldn't. I'm so used to getting up close to 6:00 anyway. Why fight it?
So I made some breakfast and watched a movie. After the movie it was time to take Talbot to the vet.
When Negative Is A Good Thing
For almost as long as I've had Talbot, I had trouble maintaining compliance with his heart worm prevention. Well, all dogs actually. I was always missing months or running out of the tablets before buying more. I was trying to juggle the doses between 3 dogs while trying to avoid a hundred bucks at a time to get each of them a 6 month supply at a time. Invariably, I would end up shorting one or two of them. As a result I always had to get the heartworm blood test once or twice per year. You, know, just to make sure. So I finally decided to just get a 6 month supply for each dog at the same time. Much easier to track this way. You'd think a college educated guy would have done this a loooong time ago. But alas... I'm stubborn!
But I'm finally on track. Each dog has its own box and now there are no more questions about when the last dose was administered.
So I walked with Talbot over to the vet this morning for the quick blood test. Its kind of funny how dogs know whats coming. The vet office is along the path we usually take when we go walking anyway. So as far as Talbot was concerned we were just going for a walk. Yay for the dog! That is until I take a left at a place where we usually go straight. Suddenly his tail drops and he gets nervous. There is no doubt that he knows (as do the others) where we are headed.
Fortunately, he doesn't give me a hard time, he just gets nervous.
The nice thing about a 9:00 appointment is that the lobby is usually empty. There might be one other pet there, but not today. We were in and out in 15 minutes with a negative test result. Not that I was worried, but its still nice to have the confirmation. :-)
As we got back home there was a message on my answering machine from my mother. I missed her call by about 5 minutes (if even that). Her message was amusing... "Are you home? I need you. Ok bye."
As I'm writing this she's probably nearing Mississipi. It would be kind of cool to have a lojack or something so I could track her progress on the computer. You know, there is this feature on Google Earth that allows you to see the current position of a commercial flight. You just need the airline and flight number. That is way cool.... in a spooky kind of way. I'm sure there about 50 million parents of teenagers that would love that feature! As sure as the parents might salivate at the prospect to assert more control over their child, there are just as many teens cringing at the thought of that possibility. Yeah, that's what we need, another technology tool to compensate for inadequate parenting. But who am I to judge? I'm not a parent. But I was a teen. And I am a high school teacher, so I have a pretty good idea of the teenage mind. But that is neither here nor there right now. This is not a "soap box" post today. :-)
Besides, there a lot of teens that are just fine.
I was going to go on to write a little more about the moon from last night and how inspiting it was to watch, but I need to get back to work on my chores. I have a lot of school work to do as well. I am trying to get all things wrapped up before we leave for the xmas break so I won't have to worry about anything over the holiday. We'll see how that goes. It usually doesn't! hehe
Ok friends... until the next inspiring moon (tonight perhaps)!
Be well.