Monday, July 21, 2008

Talbot's Tale: All better!

Welcome back my friends. I'm glad you returned for the 3rd installment of Talbot's Tale. (One more to go)

Talbot was making progress nicely. The stink (I can still smell it) was waning gradually, though not fast enough. Talbot looked a little better every day. He was eating regularly, and of course this means it was coming out the other end rather regularly as well. Can you say "P-Yew"? The possums kept watching him from the distance... "Is he one of ours?" I'm sure they were wondering. :-) Pepe Le Pieu would have been proud! Of course his newly implemented diet, when mixed with his treatment regimen of dips & meds, left for a unique blend of ... ahem.... poop. (Can I say scat for dogs too?)

Despite that, he was recovering nicely. His fur was starting to grow in. The sores were getting smaller. His demeanor was becoming more and more like a dog should be... happy. It brought great joy to watch this. I couldn't wait to get home from work each day. I looked forward to playing with him and teaching him things... like to sit & stay (I said, SIT)... basic stuff. It got to the point that I could hear his tail knocking on the wall of the kennel when I got out of my truck. What a good boy!

Here is another video after we agreed on his name:

You can almost see the smile! Here are a couple pics:

His cuteness is really starting to show. Here is another video of a more active Talbot. He really enjoyed going places. I was walking him now and taking to visit my mother. She was always happy to see him.

Despite his progress, I still had to wait a while longer before I could socialize him. But he certainly was eager to meet the rest of the family! And they him. :-) What a proud papa I was!

As the weeks passed, we had our white xmas. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take him out with the other dogs yet, but he still got to experience the snow.

Talbot was learning where the poop stations are in the yard. I was busy enough picking up after 2 dogs. Now I had a 3rd one added to my poop-patrol. I was running a regular crap factory! Too bad there is no market for this stuff. At least horse and cow manure is sought after. Maybe I should post a sign in my yard, "Crappus a la Cannis Available Here. We Poop it, You Scoop It!" Kind of catchy, don't you think? :-)

With the little stinker not so stinky any more, I would let him roam the house while Tibet & Pete were outside. When I was out front w/ Talbot, he nuzzle the fence to greet the other dogs on the other side. Pete's (remember the lethal weapon tail?) response was one of excitement! He gave Tibet a few good whacks upside her muzzle with his tail when Talbot was close. Poor Tibet... she wanted to get a look at the little rascal too, but Pete's convulsive tail-shaking made it a real obstacle course for her to approach the gate. It was kind of funny to watch her try to duck under his tail with her eyes squinted. She still got batted a few times.

Finally, the time was nigh for the dogs to meet. I think I was more nervous than the dogs. Talbot couldn't wait. Pete was anxious to try out the new toy. Tibet just wanted to see what all the hooplah was about.

So, once again, my friends, I leave you with some anticipation (I hope) for the final installment of Talbot's Tale: Family.
Until then,
Be well,
