Monday, May 4, 2009

Change in plans

Well peeps.... if you didn't notice, I was trying to do this story thing on here. But my lack of consistency to the story I was working on caused other stuff to go by the wayside. So I decided to start another blog page just for my stories. Once I figure out how to do it, I will post a link to it from this page. But for now... the address is

I copied the 4 parts to the story to the new blog. This way I can continue with the story-telling at my leisure and not leave this blog unattended for such long periods of time. There have been some developments in my life that have been left unblogged. So let's see if I can do a brief bulleted list to get you caught up... (these are in no particular order)

  • Our boys & girls wrestling team won districts
  • My mother is visiting
  • My sister has a new job. Well, same job, new school. She loves it!
  • I have grass in my back yard now
  • I just returned from a fun-filled weekend in Lake Harmony, PA for a cigar festival
  • I have a new skill, shoveling horse s*!t
  • I have been working on a new habitat for one of my snakes
  • Talbot got a hair cut
  • My friend Lilo bought a house
  • My friend John rented a house
  • My friend Joy moved into a bigger apartment
  • I helped all three of them move
  • I helped all three of them move
  • I helped all three of them move
  • My back hurts :-)
  • I'm still funny

That ought to about sum it up.

I am planning on returning to the annual VHPA reunion this year. Its in Philadelphia. I haven't finalized the plans yet, but within the next week or so I should have it all figured out.

I'm keeping this one short. I have some more things to do tonight, so I'm gonna call it a blog!

Be sure to check out my other page. I hope it becomes a regular page for you to visit. Hopefully, over time I will have a variety of stories and poems on there. I'll try to hit different genres. My family isn't too big on the fantasy stories, so maybe my next one will be something they will like. We'll see what happens.

Thanks for visiting!

Be well

1 comment:

Lilaqua said...

remembering back not too long ago ... i learned the same new shit shoveling