Monday, July 28, 2008

Sorry about the delay :-)

Hey all.  I finally got around to finishing Talbot's Tale.  I'm sorry it took so long.  It was more than a week ago that I presented the third installment.  I had family come in from out of town, and I spent the weekend at the beach.  More on that next time.  But for now... check out the last chapter of Talbot's Tale.  Thanks again for visiting!  It means a lot to me!
Have a great day!

Be well

1 comment:

rbeken said...

Thanks for allowing us to be part of your and Talbot's story. Talbot is very lucky (so are the other dogs) to have you as the one who cares for them. Have fun with your visitors from out of town. Take real good care of them and yourself because you all (said with a Texas drawl) mean alot to Ali and me. We miss you alot!

Your sister,
